
Customized to your needs.

We put an emphasis on enhancing competencies and making learning exciting.

For over 15 years, our training, and coaching sessions have been providing invaluable, tangible insights into how sales staff can achieve continuous professional excellence. In doing so, we have been able to achieve measurable success.

We customize all training concepts to meet individual client requirements. We particularly emphasize impactful, actionable methodologies and training techniques that can be leveraged and applied to everyday situations immediately following our training sessions.

One of our key competencies lies in communicating challenging topics and complex issues in a concise and motivational manner. A professional project wrap-up and documentation of all results is a matter of course for us.

If desired, we can provide this as a handout, PDF document or as a digital e-book.
To increase the learning transfer, we often pair our sales training sessions with individual coaching sessions. Additionally, we can provide the opportunity to discuss experiences following a training or online coaching session.

Frequent topics:

(available in face-to-face or online format)

The selling journey – 6 crucial elements of commercial success

The secret of sales excellence is in the underlying attitude towards the customer: Genuine interest, ask not tell – create genuine engagement by using a dialogue-oriented conversational style, know what your customer is looking to achieve, strengthen business partnerships.

Communicate sales strategies and (product) campaigns effectively to customers

The top 3 key principles of successful communication – Create magic moments. The hero's journey & storytelling. The power of language. Discover and leverage product growth opportunities when talking to target groups.

Strategic customer development

Use annual review meetings as a platform to assess the current situation and needs, determine objectives in collaboration with customers, leverage a range of communication channels in a compelling way, and foster business partnerships.

Agile sales with an authentic focus on customer needs

What do my customers really want and need…in the here and now? What don't they need …? Prepare a clear roadmap for meetings based on solid preparation – then, drive the sales meeting in an agile manner, based on current needs. Create as much commitment as possible with just a few information points per contact.

Professional sales in and with network structures

Achieve leverage by networking. Uncover opportunities (PESTEL & scenario methods). Define attractive organizational structures and stakeholders. Identify entry points for collaboration and determine interest in collaboration. Define key activities. Develop a concept, including a project schedule.

The perfect product launch

Successful communication and sales concepts for the first three customer meetings upon launch of a new product. A “winning attitude”, an “elevator pitch” for your new product. Make a convincing case in 30 seconds and achieve sales success quicker than expected. Turning interest into sales.

Customer-centric orchestration of different sales channels

Be persuasive across all channels, including digital: Key success factors for different communication channels – dedicated skills for telephone, video calls or e-mails, leveraging the range of communication options appropriately, online “etiquette” for maximum impact.

Training for sales teams before and after audits

We use a modern, sustainable concept to prepare sales teams for audits and provide targeted training for identified areas of growth after audits.

Sinnorientiertes Lernen (SOL)

Das SOL-Prinzip für schnellen & nachhaltigen Trainingserfolg:

  • Fokus auf den konkreten Bedarf & Nutzen der Mitarbeitenden.
  • Von Beginn an aktivieren, involvieren und zu Mitgestaltenden machen.
  • Motivierende & moderne Lernmethoden nutzen: Retrospektiven, Fishbowl, Storyboards, Ideenspeicher, Kollegiale Fallberatung, etc.
  • Lernprozesse abwechslungsreich und kurzweilig gestalten: Mind Snack, Lunch & Learn, Espresso-Workshop, Buddy-Teams, Coaching.